Christopher Adams

From Warehouse To Wind

When trying to support four small children, $9.50 an hour doesn’t go far these days; just ask Christopher Adams, Certified Wind Turbine Technician. “Prior to going through the Green Jobs program I was working in a furniture store warehouse, as many hours as I could, and was still at the end of my rope,” said Christopher.

Christopher applied for Green Jobs Central Oklahoma at a local job fair and was invited to be part of the wind certification program. “I continued to work full-time while going through the classes,” remembers Christopher. It was intense training but in the end I became a Certified Wind Turbine Technician.” He soon received a phone call for an interview with PCG Wind. He was offered a full-time position and flew out the next day for his first assignment in the state of Washington.

“It all happened so fast,” said Christopher. “Green Jobs Oklahoma has been such a blessing. They say it’s always darkest before the dawn and that’s been so true for me… but the sun came out! I have a career and a future, and my kids even have medical benefits! The best thing is that now when my children need something, I can actually provide it!”

© Green Jobs Central Oklahoma 2011 - Funded By The US Department of Labor