Recycling Training

Out Of The Frying
Pan Into The Future

After successfully completing a drug rehab program, Terry Clark was working as a cook for a local restaurant chain. “I had been clean for two years and was grateful that I had a job,” said Clark. But he had been struggling to pay child support for his two sons and keep a roof over his head. “I really enjoyed the professional development classes as well as personal development like financial planning. We also learned to work various pieces of equipment and took classes for OSHA, First Aid and CPR. It was great all-around training.”

Clark continued his job at the restaurant until he had an interview opportunity with Goodwill. “I wasn’t expecting the chance to come up so quickly, but it did and I was offered a position as a bailer, packaging clothing to be shipped to third world countries. It made me feel good that the work I was doing was helping people. Then I became a processor, helping pick up contributions around the city. I’ve now been assigned to a store and have my own route.”

As a full-time employee of Goodwill Industries, Clark admits that he feels differently about himself. “I hold my head up high and have more confidence in myself. I’m proud of what I do and who I work for…and the bills are getting paid,” laughs Clark.

© Green Jobs Central Oklahoma 2011 - Funded By The US Department of Labor